Paula Abdul - Straight Up
Podobné skladby:
1. Paula Cole - My Hero Mr President (1041x)
2. Paula DeAnda ft. Dey - Walk Away (1045x)
3. Paula K. Lynch - The Auctioneer (990x)
4. Paula Cole - I Don´t Want To Wait (920x)
5. Paula K. Lynch - The Auctioneer (894x)
6. Paula Cole - I Don´t Want To Wait (881x)
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5. LL Cool J - Control Yourself (773x)
6. Pamela Zero - Physics (744x)
7. The Prodigy - Take Me To The Hospital (2056x)
8. Green Day - Hearts Colide (738x)
9. Zzz - Ecstasy (763x)
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11. Kelly Osbourne - Contradiction (1086x)
12. Faith Evans - You Used To Love Me (797x)