John Mayer - Route 66
Podobné skladby:
1. Jack Johnson - Middle Man (1109x)
2. Elton John - Tiny Dancer (955x)
3. Johnny Cash - In My Life (2061x)
4. Charlie Parr - My Name Is John Johanna (1274x)
5. John Legend - This Time (751x)
6. Jack Johnson - Times like these (1157x)
7. Daniel Johnston - Silly Love (980x)
8. Jack Johnson - Constellations (1058x)
9. Elton John - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word (1085x)
10. Bill Loose John Seely - The Donna Reed Show Happy Days (932x)
11. Ana Johnson - We Are (Soundtrack Spiderman 2) (942x)
12. Daniel Johnston - Happy (1069x)
Skladby z tejto kategórie:
1. White Lion - Wait (918x)
2. Johny Cash - The Gambler (851x)
3. Kesha - Grow A Pear (878x)
4. Keny Arkana - Le missile est lancé (908x)
5. Godhead - Eleanor Rigby (998x)
6. Aksen´t - All I Need (730x)
7. Arica - Thorn (575x)
8. Aik Murczechy - Bad Memories (Memories remix) (793x)
9. Brigade M - Heilige Oorlog (910x)
10. The Rasmus - Keep Your Heart Broken (802x)
11. Outkast - Hey ya! (858x)
12. The Fratellis - For The Girl (1098x)